Varování, Jericho


19. 9. 0:00 odp. 12:00 – 20. 9. 9:59 odp. 21:59

Disruptive Snow Difficult and dangerous driving conditions. Disruptions to traffic routes affected (due to slippery roads and reduced visibility). Road and pass closures for a short period. Loss of crops and livestock. Disruption to services. Small stock farmers are encouraged to shelter animals. Dress warmly and avoid high mountain passes if possible. Avoid travel and exercise caution when on the roads as they may be icy and dangerous. Make contact with your closest disaster manager or community leader and keep listening to the radio for updates.



19. 9. 3:00 odp. 15:00 – 20. 9. 9:59 odp. 21:59

Disruptive Snow The snowfall (and/or high accumulations) is expected to result in: Danger to life. Loss of livestock and crops. Communities inaccessible and may be cut-off. Dangerous and difficult driving conditions. Roads affected due to high accumulations and/or rockfalls. Pass closures Disruptions to some services. Stay indoors to avoid loss of life. Inform initiates and families and make an informed decision. Avoid traveling if its possible. Monitor the forecast and phone the South African Weather Service when in doubt.


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