Varování, Malbun


27. 4. 7:00 dop. 7:00 – 28. 4. 10:00 odp. 22:00

- Possible impacts: Breaking of smaller branches. Toppling of objects inadequately secured or free-standing objects. Increased swell on lakes - Recommendations for action: Secure any freestanding objects outdoors or move them to a sheltered spot (e.g. plant pots, garden furniture, bicycles, etc.) before the wind event begins. Stay away from forests, trees and tree-lined avenues. When driving, be prepared for crosswinds in exposed locations (e.g. on bridges), drive slowly and keep your distance from other vehicles - Highest wind gusts in exposed locations: in the plains 70 - 100 km/h, above 2000 m 100 - 130 km/h - Main wind direction: southwest to south


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